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April 06, 2016, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia | Transport, Railways and Tramway, Underground Works, Tunnels

OFITECO progresses in the monitoring of the Metro de Riyadh’s Line 5 (Saudi Arabia)

OFITECO’s wide knowledge about instrumentation of underground works, together with the advantage of working with a local partner, allow the consortium to fulfil the requirements of the contract signed with the FAST consortium.

November 26, 2015, Dubai, Emiratos Árabes Unidos | Underground Works, Tunnels, TUNNELDATA

OFITECO presents its TunnelData tool in the 3rd Arabian Tunnelling Conference and Exhibition ATC 2015

With the theme “Innovative Underground Infrastructure – Challenges and Opportunities”, the most outstanding actors in the field of Underground Works gathered in Dubai

November 24, 2015, Cantabria, Spain | Dams and reservoirs, Safety reviews and inspections, Comprehensive Dam Monitoring, DAMDATA, Emergency Action Plan, Maintenance and Conservation, Risk Analysis

OFITECO will execute the works for Ebro’s dam Emergency plan in Cantabria (Spain)

Works include the actions designed to face eventual emergencies in Campoo-Los Valles (Cantabria) and Las Merindades (Burgos) regions.

November 24, 2015, La Rioja, Spain | Dams and reservoirs, Safety reviews and inspections, Comprehensive Dam Monitoring, DAMDATA, Emergency Action Plan, Maintenance and Conservation, Risk Analysis, Flood protection

OFITECO will implement the Emergency Plan of the Pajares and González-Lacasa dams (Spain)

OFITECO starts the works in order to implement Emergency Plans according to the requirements of the Ministry of Environment’s Technical Guide for the development of Emergency Plans in Dams, after entering yesterday into a contract with the Ebro’s River Basin Authority.

October 16, 2015, Basauri, Vizcaya, Spain | Transport, Roads and Highways, Railways and Tramway, Underground Works, Bridges and viaducts, Tunnels

OFITECO has been selected by ADIF to draft the project for the entrance stretch to Bilbao, which belongs to the new railway network (Spain)

ADIF has again put its trust in OFITECO to draft a project of the Basauri – Cantalojas tunnel 5km stretch. It is especially important since it involves the underground entrance to the city centre (Abando station) from Vitoria, San Sebastián and Irún.

December 22, 2014, Madrid, España | Transport, Roads and Highways, Railways and Tramway, Underground Works, Tunnels

OFITECO is granted CDTI financial aid for the development of TUNNELDATA project

The Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), through its Operative Plan FEDER Madrid, has granted OFITECO the requested assistance for the development of the TUNNELDATA project.

September 07, 2011, Madrid, Spain | Dams and reservoirs, Safety reviews and inspections, Comprehensive Dam Monitoring, DAMDATA, Emergency Action Plan, Maintenance and Conservation, Risk Analysis, Flood protection

OFITECO will develop R & D projects co-financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, through its INNPACTO subprogram part of the 2008-2011 National R&D Plan, has granted OFITECO the aid requested to develop two of its R&D projects.