ACUASUR - South of Spain Water Authority
In the contract there are defined several works related to the Operation, Maintenance and Upkeep of the pipeline of water supply that connect Torre de Abraham and Gasset Reservoirs, managed by Aguas de las Cuencas del Sur (AcuaSur). This pipeline of ductil iron with nominal diameter of DN 1000 mm is 29 km long and has an emergency pump station and a special discharge valve at the end of the conduction.
The pipeline system starts working when is receiving an order of 45 mwp. Along the conduction there are 3 remote control units which are connected to the Control Center of ACUASUR located in Ciudad Real by GPRS, being provided each one with two power generators, solar panels and storage battery, so no external electric power is needed.
The power supply system consists of cover energy only with the generator in such a way there will be an independent service that will not exist if the batteries are used.
The work to be carried out includes: